The picture that won the Internet

Komaki Station

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12 Responses to The picture that won the Internet

  1. meganeshounen says:

    *falls off his chair, gets back on, rightclickitysaveas’s the pic*

    Prank or no prank, that pic rawks.

  2. Ronin says:

    What. The. Heil?!

    Man, that’s awesome! Who made that? :P

  3. hiroki says:

    Komaki city is near my hometown.
    So I often went to Komaki.

    Maybe, this picture is in Komaki station of Nagoya Tetsudou (Nagoya Railroad).
    See 犬山方面 in the following picture.

  4. DarkMirage says:


    On another note, there doesn’t seem to be a train station named 向坂… Noooooo… ;_;

  5. Tsubaki says:

    To heart fandom at its best. Maybe we should do something like that do our MRT stations…

  6. XD... says:

    変!really weird!

    p.s. did anyone take it down?

  7. Riceblade says:


  8. GodFather-san says:


    I would sooo steal it and luuub it to death!

    Power to NEET!

  9. Riceblade says:

    ok its confirmed….the picture is real. my fren who stays in Aichi Prefecture and in Komaki city has this to say: “ちょ、、、、
    でもこんな風に公の場にこんなの貼ってはいけないんですよ~>< ”
    looks like japanese pple get quite shocked when they see stuff like this ahahaha ^^

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  11. smathels says:

    oh so thats where she lives x3
    i bet they do this kinda thing all the time

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