Think your home is safe?

Well, maybe not anymore…

We interrupt our regular anime rantage to bring you this public service announcement: you no longer need months of practice or hundreds of dollars worth of equipment to pick a lock. Any lock.

All you need is a specially-cut key that fits the lock and a few taps with a hammer. With a set of 10 keys of varying sizes cut in this manner, you can open 90% of the locks out there in just 10 seconds. Because it opens the lock in the normal way, this method leaves no traces and insurance companies will not pay for any losses in the event of a burglary.

Here is the white paper that contains everything you need to know to make a bump key and use it.

Just take a look at the video.

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8 Responses to Think your home is safe?

  1. j.valdez says:

    Yeah, I heard about this only a few days ago. That’s freakin’ scary how easy it is to pick the locks. Thanks for the white paper link, I had only read an article about it.

    Now, if you can track down the 10% of locks that are not vulnerable.

  2. Skane says:

    Actually, this trick only works with tumbler-type locks. It will not work on locks such as Abloy.

  3. Tsubaki says:

    I’m so trying this. Lol.

  4. bj0rN`- says:

    *runs off to pick DM’s lock* (if I managed to know where he stays)

  5. DarkMirage says:

    My door uses a keycard. :X

  6. Tallon says:

    My door uses a me-inside-with-gun mechanism to keep it closed. Its worked up to this point, and i doubt it will fail anytime soon. Afterall, i live in the ghetto, so its not like its all that unnusual for people to break into houses and stuff and have had plenty of people try to get into mine. So i mean, this would help them get IN, but they wouldnt be leaving anyway. lol.

    Anyway, thats pretty awesome. Not only the key, but the fact that theres a group of people who legally try to pick locks better and faster then each other, i mean who the hell thought THAT was a smart thing to get going =/

    Anyway, if you cant hear some guy hitting something with a hammer, or if he’s quiet, then your door opening when it SHOULDNT be, you’d be jacked from anyway so it really doesnt matter that its FASTER now. But i guess for maybe a garage or a shed or something it could be a problem.

  7. Riceblade says:

    This is damn dangerous, arent the police gonna do something about this? O_O I’m Scared..

  8. TP says:

    I think it’s better for the entire population to be informed of what locks are the worst, what locks are better than nothing (think WEP) and what precautions should we take to make sure our home isn’t easily picked.

    That means, we need info on the various lock mechanisms out there, tests each lock to gauge their “pickability”, and from then on, use the ones that provide the best safety.

    Of course, this might sound preposterous, but I think the open-software philosophy should be applied to home security. (Not to be confused with Homeland Security.)

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