No more backlogged letters from Odex


According to a forum post by Stephen Sing, as of today (3rd September) no more backlogged letters will be sent out. Odex will not take legal action against you with old evidence. If you stop downloading from today, you are guaranteed, by the man himself, not to get Odex’ed ever.

Original thread on Odex forums:

If an individual stop downloading now, today, on the 3rd September, 2007, he will have no possibility of ever receiving any letters from the copyright holders, (aka the Odex letter) as we will not take anything that he has downloaded before this date against him. We will not send any letters to him.

If an individual continues to download and shows up on our investigation we will send him a letter to ask him to explain why it is so. If he cannot give us a reasonable explanation of why that happened, we will reserve the rights to take legal action against him, with all the evidences that we have collected before and after the 3rd of September (there would necessarily be evidence after the 3rd in order for this to happen).

Apparently an official statement will be released soon, but I think a forum post from xysing is as good as any official statement. I guess they have finally recovered their fees. Well that’s that for BitTorrenting anime I guess. I shall make do with Nico Nico Video.

On another note, I just finished rewatching all five seasons of Futurama. Good stuff.

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53 Responses to No more backlogged letters from Odex

  1. naixil says:

    anyone knows what’s the final outcome for the odex appeal against pacnet? juz cos they say they’re not gonna send anymore letters doesn’t mean we should be distracted from the final verdict.

  2. pureninnocent says:

    I will not support Odex any more. I will cease buying their items in my lifetime ever since they decleared war. Too bad that they lost a lifetime value from me. I will continue to spread Anti-Odex by word-of-mouth to my fellow friends.

  3. Hono DokiDoki says:

    Information by psionix…ry_163660.html

    Looks like it’s gonna drag on for some time…

    But… Pacnet’s law firm, ATMD, is the TOP IP law firm in singapore. Hmm.. ATMD vs R&T… it’s gonna be a good fight

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