Gundam 00 — Nyoro~n Translation Errors

I was quite alarmed by a comment posted by tsuki_Yomi in my previous entry. His understanding of the relationship between Ptolemaios and Gundams in Gundam 00 appears to be the complete opposite of what episode 3 revealed. I decided that some fansub group must have done everyone a huge disfavour and since Nyoro~n is the only group that has released so far (as of this posting)…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

So yeah, here’s a comparison of all the major translation errors in episode 3 released by Nyoro~n Fansubs. Of course since I do translation checking for Mendoi-Conclave, you can say that I have a vested interest in doing this comparison. But keep in mind that I didn’t make anything up and all the errors are really there when you watch their release. Enjoy.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: よもや君に出会えようとは
Nyoro~n: Oh come now, this is just like when I first saw you.
Menclave: Who would’ve thought… facing you like this…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: おとめ座のわたしには、センチメンタリズムな運命を感じずにはいられない
Nyoro~n: You’re not going to end this fated battle without returning my sentimentalities.
Menclave: Being a Virgo, I can’t help but feel this is a sentimental destiny.
Comment: Completely missing out the first half of the sentence (Virgo part). I agree that “sentimental destiny” sounds really stupid, but at least it doesn’t alter the meaning.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: それとも、光の粒子を出していなかったから見つけられたのか……
Nyoro~n: Or perhaps you thought I hadn’t noticed that light that’s streaming out of you?
Menclave: Or was I able to find you because you forgot to send out those glowing particles?
Comment: An honest mistake, I’m sure.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 手土産に…破片の1つもいただいていく!
Nyoro~n: I admire your strength… So I’m going to take you back in one piece!
Menclave: As a souvenir… I’ll take a piece of you with me!
Comment: WTF?

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: いやはや、本当に予測不能な人だよ君は
Nyoro~n: Goodness gracious, you’re certainly someone who grasps your shortcomings far too late, aren’t you?
Menclave: My, my, you’re such an unpredictable character.
Comment: Nice…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 今回の戦闘で得られたガンダムのデータは、フラッグ1機を失ったとしてもおつりがくる
Nyoro~n: We got some battle data on the Gundam, and your Flag was unharmed.
Menclave: Considering the data we obtained on the Gundam during this fight, even losing the Flag would have been a good trade.
Comment: Hey, at least all the important keywords are there!…This time~nyoro~

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: それにしても若かったな…ソレスタルビーイングのパイロットは
Nyoro~n: I just did this to better understand… that Celestial Being pilot.
Menclave: Besides all that, he sure was young… Celestial Being’s pilot.
Comment: LOL~!! wakai (young) != wakaru (understand)

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: モビルスーツの動きに感情がのっていたのさ
Nyoro~n: When you’re moving a mobile suit, you tend to lose yourself.
Menclave: I could read his feelings from the way he moved his mobile suit.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 10分以内に速報配信!次のニュースは現地からの中継だ!3時間以内に人革主席の公式声明が出るぞ!
Nyoro~n: There’s got to be something that’s been leaked. Just run a recap for the next newscast; this time tomorrow you all better have something to give me!
Menclave: Send out this news flash within the next 10 minutes! Do a live on-site broadcast for the next news segment! The head of the Human Reform League is making an official statement in less than 3 hours!
Comment: Okay, Nyoro~n, now you are just making shit up.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 枠を空けとけ!
Nyoro~n: Get your asses in gear!
Menclave: Keep that time slot open!
Comment: Mmmm…ass…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Orignial: 21世紀のセキュリティはあってないようなものだからな
Nyoro~n: Besides, there’s no way a man from the 21st century could be around today.
Menclave: Security in the 21st century was almost non-existent, after all.
Comment: Not even close.

Major WTF Errors

Actually I am sick of this. It’s only 5 minutes into the episode and a quick glance through the rest of Nyoro~n’s script reveals that the entire thing is full of nonsense. But I’ll just highlight a few more MAJOR MISTAKES, some of them which totally changed the entire plot. I have doubts that the translator speaks any Japanese at all.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 僕たちに弱点があるとすれば、ガンダムがないとプトレマイオスの活動時間が極端に限定されてしまうと
Nyoro~n: If there was one weak point for us… It would be that our Gundams are severely limited by the need to periodically return to the Ptolemaios.
Menclave: If we have a weak point, it’s that, without the Gundams, the operational time of the Ptolemaios would be extremely limited.
Comment: This may sound counter-intuitive, but yes, the Gundams really are Ptolemy’s power source. The original Japanese dialogue made it very clear.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: アイルランドのアルスター地方では、散発的ではありますが、テロ行為が4世紀近くにわたって続いています
Nyoro~n: Ireland’s Ulster Volunteer Forces are scattered across the country, though those factions who engage in terrorist activities remain hidden.
Menclave: In Ireland’s Ulster region, though sporadic, terrorist acts have been occurring for approximately four centuries.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 材質はEカーボン。最新素材ではありますが、構造上、目新しい技術は確認されていません
Nyoro~n: It’s well-reinforced with carbon, the technology on the inside is cutting edge, some of it’s unheard of.
Menclave: It’s made out of E-carbon. It’s made out of the most up-to-date material, but, in terms of design, we cannot find any new technology being used.
Comment: The whole point of this dialogue is to show that CB are really careful not to divulge their technological secrets. Great job missing the whole point, Nyoro~n.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: あの特殊粒子は、ステルス性のほかに機体制御にも使われている
Nyoro~n: If we obtain a sample of that special particle, we can achieve the same results.
Menclave: Those special particles, besides their stealth features, are also used for controlling the suit.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: おそらくは、火器にも転用されているじゃろうて
Nyoro~n: So you’re going to give a Flag the firepower to match him?
Menclave: They’re likely to be applied as weapons too.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 恐ろしい男じゃ、わしらより何十年も先の技術を持っておる
Nyoro~n: He’s a wicked man. 70 years ago I learned of his deceit.
Menclave: A dreadful man… having technology that’s several decades ahead of us.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: わしは麻薬などというものが心底嫌いでな!焼き払ってくれるというなら、ガンダムを支持したい
Nyoro~n: That’s not the role you’re meant to fill, you need to be remade before then. I want to teach you what you need to blow the Gundam away.
Menclave: I hate narcotics from the bottom of my heart. If they intend to burn that down, I’ll support the Gundams.
Comment: Uh… How the fuck did you even get that?

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: エネルギー、ヴァーチェからトレミーへの転送準備完了、転送開始します
Nyoro~n: Virtue now drawing energy from the solar furnace.
Menclave: Energy, transfer preparations from Virtue to Ptolemy complete.
Comment: Once again, Nyoro~n totally fucks up the relationship between Ptolemy and Gundams. Oh well, at least they are being consistent about it. :)

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: ソレスタルビーイングを利用する国。その国すら利用する国
Nyoro~n: Celestial Being begins to be received by countries. These countries become host nations.
Menclave: The nations who make use of Celestial Being. The nations who use those nations.
Comment: Once again, I admit the shortcomings of Menclave’s version. It sounds a little weird in English, but at least that’s what the original dialogue is saying. We didn’t make things up! Yay!


Keep in mind that beyond the first 5 minutes of the episode, I only chose to highlight selective mistakes because it would probably take me a few hours more to document the whole thing. There’s something wrong with at least 70% of the lines. The translator goes to great length to make it sound like he knows what he is doing, such that his so-called “translations” sound reasonable to someone who doesn’t speak Japanese. That is, in my humblest opinion, dishonest and disturbing.

If you don’t understand a single word of Japanese at all, it’s better for you to watch the raws than to watch Nyoro~n. I hesitate to call their release a “translation” because in reality it is closer to being a parody sub. It’s as if the “translator” decided to write his own story because he didn’t like Sunrise’s scriptwriters. If you are a Gundam fan, please, for the love of Haruhi and all that is good, wait for some other group to release. It doesn’t even have to be Mendoi-Conclave

If my experiences are anything to go by, some commentators will start accusing me of being “elitist” and “not helping the situation” just about now. But this time I learnt my lesson. Rest assured that Nyoro~n’s translator has had his mistakes pointed out to him many, many times before I typed this blog entry. He continues to insist that he knows what he is doing. Fine, here’s my proof otherwise.

That said, Nyoro~n’s release does offer hours of quality entertainment for someone who speaks Japanese. It’s hilarious. :)

This has been a public service announcement from a guy with too much free time on his hands.

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250 Responses to Gundam 00 — Nyoro~n Translation Errors

  1. dKiWi says:


  2. Lanrete says:

    U know,it been almost a week but the correct version aint out on crunchyroll or veoh…… someone do us hoggers a favour by uploading the correct version………..

  3. teh_bear says:

    I must thank DarkMirage for this hilarious PSA. Nyoro~n I commend you guys for putting effort into getting subbed eps out to ppl but just stop. Even the part of you that is well-intentioned and not an attention whore fails the public miserably. I can’t believe they’d even try to defend this shit, fucking idiots. I pray for lolfang’s success in finishing his Japanese course, but he really need to stop doing this, it’s counterproductive and a waste of time.

    Typical dialog:
    lolfang: Hey google hey google, what does this line mean?
    google: *gibberish*
    lolfang: nyoro~n

  4. Cokematic says:

    Not a fan of G*nd*m but thanks for this post @_@ I will definitely be more careful of Nyron subs.

    Nyron translation of the above:
    Nyron thanks Gunamz for this fantasic turkey!@!@

  5. CactusAvenue says:

    lol, I won’t trust Nyoro~n anymore, that’s for sure.

    No one uploaded the correct version on Crunchy and Veoh? oo..

  6. manga says:

    Lance McCloud: That´s one way of seeing the whole thing.
    But I do not agree with you.
    Free doesn´t mean that I should accept whatever quality it brings.

    Fansubers do a great job, mostly and bring me and many more subs so we can understand japanese. But then comes the question, how much fault can the fansubber make? Even if it a speedy translation I know I wouldn´t be pleased with just making stuff up or leaving words out. Even if it´s free it doesn´t go well since they aren´t doing any good for the show by making stuff up. Or translating stuff wrong.

    It´s like getting a 4(where 5 is the lowest) since you finished last on a test, you have every question right but everything that counted for the grade on the test was speed, the faster you finish, the higher grade you get…
    That doesn´t sound right to me and it never will.

    The best solution? Everyone learns japanese and buys the DVDs directly from Japan.

    CactusAvenue: There are stuff called “Parody Subs” you know :p Where nothing is correct and they just put down random stuff.

    And here I would like for Lance McCloud to read as well since it brings my opinion up to date.
    Like Ayako did with Minami-ke 02 in the beginning with the “this is just a plain depication of….
    Don´t expect to much”
    section and they translated it to: “This is a story about hot yuri sex between three completely unrelated sisters… you wish
    get your fapping material elsewhere”

    One thing they did do was to tell the viewer: “This is the translators comment. The “correct” translation is the text onscreen”.

    But still, not a single word is correct translated, even if it´s free it shouldn´t be this way.

    And I´m off once again.

  7. penguin666 says:

    Your opinion is correct.
    Machine translations are more correct than unskilled free
    By the way, these sentences are due to the machine translation.

  8. Pingback: Errores en Gundam!!! 03 « Spiral No Fansub

  9. Soph says:

    A lot of criticism of this post misses the essential point that DM is vouching for accuracy, not simply demeaning people for laughs.

    When DM points out the fallacies that are often passed off as translations, he does many fans a favor. Subs are, for some, essential to the understanding of their beloved anime. For those like myself who know Japanese but are not perfect, they make it possible to simply watch an episode without having to replay certain lines for meaning. Every fan appreciates the work subbing groups do for us. No one is going to knock on one or two slip ups over the course of a series by people who have no real benefit from what they do.

    However, when the inaccuracies are so frequent and blatant that no sense can be made from the subs, the sub groups are doing us a great disservice. As an undergrad student of the language, I often find it amusing that some groups seem to understand less Japanese than I do. The silly differences in how we translate colloquialisms are fine. But when you manage to be incapable of telling when wakatta is an adjective versus the past plain of wakaru, or somehow can’t manage to convey a single word of what is stated, you both throw a different dialog and alternate story at the viewer. It is no longer a different nuance, but a completely different story.

    And perhaps more than the viewer, sub communities should consider the creators. These people have striven to make an anime for otaku and casual fans everywhere to enjoy. By giving incorrect translations, fan subs are mauling the story that another person has worked hard on. When I do work translating literature, I make it my utmost priority to convey a piece as its author had intended. It is their art and their story. I think the attitude toward anime subs should be no different. It’s not right to treat a work with so little respect.

    Seeing as I leech off others’ subs rather than attempt to contribute my own, maybe I am not the most authoritative person to post here. However, I think my points are valid enough. This will probably just be flamebait though…

  10. Some Random Bloke says:

    Thank you for pointing out the facts, for backing them up, and for encouraging third party verification of your evidence. You sir, have hit the three golden rules for honesty, and I applaud you.

    I only write this in the hope that my support of your blog will help drown out the few of those who denounce the evidence that you have provided. It’s an unfortunate fact that people tend to listen more to the negative than to the positive. Please don’t fall into that trap, there were many people who were glad enough to post on your blog to support you.

    I will continue to watch Conclave and Mendoi’s translation of Gundam 00. Good luck, and remember to have fun.

  11. AGrove says:

    Hi DM, thanks for your reply to my earlier comment – I get what you mean now.

    I should probably now call you a disillusioned fansubber, in the context in which you were talking ;)

  12. Lance McCloud says:

    I do value the fact that you pointed these errors out to me, as I want a more accurate translation, but to go farther then that I still think is wrong because there are so many factors that mean you wont have to complain. To enlighten the issue is one thing, but to complain in the sense of some of the translation comments you made didn’t have to be that mean and insulting considering that this is a speed sub release and the fact that japanese is really hard to translate to get the right meaning across and still have all the correct syntaxes of the language you translate into (I know this much despite not knowing any japanese and I’m sure you agree on this). You clearly do a good job at translating japanese into English, and I give you credit for that. I just have a problem with people complaining about things that I personally feel in not justifiable. People can of course disagree, as is their right, and I have already stated why I think the way I do. No need to repeat.

    The rest of my response was not targeted directly at you, DarkMirage, but more so to the general attitude some anime fans has. And I have already stated what I mean with that as well, so no need to repeat myself.

    And in response to Manga with the parody sub comparison… a parody sub is often marketed as such so you can avoid that piece of junk (my opinion, no need to argue with me as i don’t care) if I have no desire to watch them. I don’t see how this would strengthen any counterarguments towards my opinion though. Complaining isn’t an option when you don’t support the product more then to download a fansub and especially when there is better alternatives. Its important to enlighten people on how good a translation is, and I really thank DarkMirage for doing so in this case. Now I know whats going on, but I still don’t think its my place to complain about the issue because thats what you risk to get when you don’t wait for the oficial release.

  13. quendidil says:

    @ LanceMcCloud
    This nyoro~n release wasn’t even a translation in the loosest sense of the word. They got several bits of information completely off and made some of their own stuff up. Since you don’t know any Japanese, I think it’s somewhat hard for you to appreciate the situation here. One of the most glaring mistakes is the “wakatta” thing that people keep discussing here. “Wakatta” is the past tense form of both “wakaru”(understand) and “wakai”(young), in this case it means young. Nyoro~n translated it as “to understand”. It is possible that you could make this mistake if the word was in isolation, but in the context, there is no way that it could be “understand”.

    It’s like “meat” and “meet” in English. What if someone who is an English beginner and claims to translate English to his native language for subs, has heard “meat” and translated a sentence that goes, “I want some meat by tomorrow.” into “I want to meet you tomorrow” in his native language. You could hardly call that a bloody translation, can you? The meanings are completely different.

    I don’t think you’ve really compared Nyoro~n’s “translation” with the more accurate translation by DM. You’re just claiming that DM is insulting Nyoro~n after sort-of skimming through the top of this page. In no way is he, or are we, complaining about things that are “not justifiable”. Claiming to be a translator, and yet displaying no evidence whatsoever that one knows the language is outright lying. Complaining or indeed protesting against such a malicious act is certainly not “not justifiable”.

    At the end you bring up the old, old fansub vs original argument again. Is anyone else tired of this? Many of us who download fansubs or raws will buy the DVDs if we find that the series was good. At any rate, since most of us aren’t living in Japan, we hardly have another “better alternative” to fansubs and raws would we? They are our only recourse to getting our anime fix while the show is still fresh. You yourself, Lance, are being hypocritical.

    “I will probably watch his fansubs from now on as they should be much better.”
    “I’m just sick and tired of the mentality among anime fans that “Anime should be free and I should not have to pay” and “I want my anime here, now, in the highest quality and with the best translation” without really thinking about supporting the oficial release that has this, only that it isn’t here as soon as the show aired in japan and they have to pay for it.”

    In any case, DM didn’t “complain” as you put it, about the quality of this sub at all. He merely pointed out the fact that this can’t be reasonably called a translation in any sense of the word, he isn’t a “customer”, so to speak, of nyoro~n, indeed, since he is in a position to “complain” about the subs he doesn’t need them anyway.

  14. Pingback: The Coke Machine » DM 1, Nyoro~n Subs 0

  15. Lance McCloud says:

    I may not have any japanese knowledge, but I still get a good picture of exactly whats going on here. I understand that Nyoro~n is way of in his translation, but if you expected something else from a speedsub thats your problem.

    As for your next point, I’m not trying to argue anything against DarkMirage in particular. I’m most upset about the people that are less subtle with their dislike for Nyoro~n. But if you still haven’t understood my point after all my responses, then tough.

    Also, I’m not trying to argue on fansubs vs. official release. My point is simply that you cant complain about the quality of an unofficial release as you have no guarantee of what you are getting. I’m not a hypocrite as I don’t have anything against fansubs, but to complain about them under the circumstances is contradicting. What I’m against is the mentality among some anime fans that never buy even their favorite series and that are devastated when the latest anime episodes aren’t available on YouTube. but sure, everyone should be like that and we wont have any anime in few years. And then to complain because you don’t get the same quality you expect form an official DVD release at that.

    Yeah, thats all I have to say, I’m to bored to write any more replies as I’m just repeating myself over and over. If people miss my point then whatever. I’m not attacking DarkMirage or anything, I’m just questioning the mentality behind complaining about fansubs even if they are as bad as the ones made by Nyoro~n. If you then fail to accept that and understand why then I guess I have nothing more to add as you people obviously aren’t willing to listen or even try to do so.

  16. Oh my.... says:

    I can’t believe the fact that some people can still be defending Nyoro. They are like totally changing plot. “Let me teach to how to blow the gundam away!” OMG LOL. Such huge mistranslation can really affect on how your going enjoy the episode. Even for speeds, theres a borderline on how many mistakes you can make and Nyro~n has cross way beyond the line.

  17. =.= says:

    Only way to make sure if the Nyro~n has redeem himself, is to let Nyro~n release it first again for the next episode(even though he’s saying that he is going to stop speed subbing). If there are no minimum mistakes for the next episode then he has truly redeem himself.

  18. CactusAvenue says:

    Nyoro~n released a version 2 for episode 3, just so you know, and its no better than the first version. So, this goes to show that the translator himself doesn’t know nuts about Japanese language.

    He’s just someone who’s so pumped up and excited after completing beginner’s Japanese mastery course and decided to create subs. No way he’s going to redeem himself if he keeps on ruining subs. I’d like to see the next fool who’s gonna watch from Nyoro~n.

  19. Lanrete says:

    Hey, hey…..I do buy anime, although down here….with xedo around, there isnt much of a choice… so I use fansubs to evaluate whether its really worth it to buy from xedo despite the poor quality control with the packaging (my 2 $39.90 dvd box sets have jagged edges and peeling colour……..

  20. CancerCrab says:

    Who cares if its got errors or what not. Its not like anyone get ripped off since no fansubber gets paid for anything.

    Besides, most of the quick-release subs are almost always of a lower quality than subs released like a month after the airing of the episode.

    Anyone who can’t wait can just watch the early release and download the quality episodes later.

    Just how hard is that?

  21. DarkMirage says:

    I’m going to lock the comments now because people clearly don’t read what has been posted before five billion times over.

    CancerCrab: I care. And so do many other people if you even bother to read the comments before leaving your uninspired regurgitation. Perhaps you don’t care. But by your same argument, who cares about what you think?

    1. It matters because people who don’t speak Japanese cannot tell how bad the quality is and therefore will not think of downloading a better release later.

    2. It matters because Nyoro~n has been doing this since forever.

    3. It matters because this is below AnimeJunkie quality, below the absolute minimum standard even for speed subs.

    4. It matters because it’s a waste of bandwidth and time. Money is not the only thing of value.

    5. It matters because Gundam 00 is a much better series than most other Gundams of recent times and this kind of releases misrepresents the most important part of the series.

    6. It matters because I like Gundam 00 and I don’t want to stand around and do nothing as I watch its storyline get fucked up by people who don’t know what they are doing but claim otherwise.

    Comments locked.

  22. Pingback: בועת מחשבה » ארכיון הבלוג » סיבה טובה להיזהר עם ההוצאות של קבוצת Nyoro~n

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